Protect your invention and design through patent registration. We assist clients in Thailand and worldwide and make the whole process as simple as possible.
Types of Patens, Requirements and Duration
The Thai Patent Act recognizes three types of Patens:
Patent for Invention
The Invention has to be new, inventive and capable for industrial application
Valid for 20 years
Petty Patent
Similar to the requirements for an invention patent, except that there is no need for the petty patent to show a strong technological innovation.
Valid for 10 years
Types of Patents
Duration (non-renewable)
Design Patent
Design has to be new and capable for industrial application
Valid for 10 years
Thai Patent Registration
Filing Requirements for Patent & Petty Patent:
Full name, address, country of applicant
Full name, address, nationality of inventor(s)
Date, priority number and country of priority application (if any)
Description of invention, claims and drawing (in English and to be translated in Thai)
Notarized Power of Attorney
Certificate of Priority Document (if any)
Statement of applicant right to apply for patent/petty patent in Thailand (in case of applicant is individual person)
Filing Requirements for Design Patent:
Full name, address, country of applicant
Full name, address, nationality of designer(s)
Date, priority number and country of priority application (if any)
Drawings compromising of 7 views (front, back, right, left, bottom,
top and perspective)
Notarized Power of Attorney
Certificate of Priority Document (if any)
Registration Process.
Patent for Invention: Average Duration of Registration: 3 to 5 years
Filing of Application
Application for Substantive Examination
Publication of Patent
Application for Substantive Examination
Documentary Search & Substantive Examination
Issuance of Patent
Petty Patent: Average Duration of Registration: 3 to 5 years
Filing of Application
Formality Examination
Publication of Petty Patent
Issuance of Petty Patent
Design Patent: Average Duration of Registration: 3 to 5 years
Filing of Application
Formality Examination
Publication of Design Patent
Substantial Examination
Issuance of Design Patent
Please note that duration periods vary, due to the difference in scope/ difficulty of each patent and possible
amendments, rejections or appeals.
Patent Registration Worldwide
Under the Patent Coordination Treaty (PCT) it is possible to file an international patent application with the Thai Department of Intellectual Property or International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization to seek patent protection in Thailand and each of the PCT Contracting States.